Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Installation

EVITP Approved Installer

We are proud to announce we are now certified installers with

ChargePoint - The world’s largest and most open EV charging network.

Qmerit - North America's most trusted installer for EV charging and other electrification technologies

Leviton - Meeting the needs of today’s residential, commercial, and industrial customers globally.



Fastest, safest & most reliable premium EV chargers for commercial properties & businesses

Since electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular, get ahead of the curve and contact Slack Electrical for  electric vehicle charging stations installation.  EV chargers, also referred to as electric vehicle chargers are becoming a necessity for commercial properties and businesses. With the increase in production of electrical vehicles in the U.S. today, the need for EV chargers is growing.  When you need electrical vehicle charging station installation, Slack Electrical is the place to call. Slack Electrical is an EVITP approved contractor and we can furnish and install multiple electric vehicle charging stations for large scale commercial applications. Whether you are a new business or have been in business for decades, we offer everything that’s needed to get your business electrified and prepared for the future.


We are EVITP Approved

As the need for EV charging stations continues to grow it is critical that EVSE (Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment) is to the highest standards to safety and quality. The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) is a certification that electricians receive after completing a comprehensive training. Completing this program allows electricians to ensure that EV charging equipment is installed with the industry’s best practices for safety, quality, and specifications in mind. Slack Electrical is an approved EVITP installer and our team is ready to handle all of your EV charging needs.

4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Install EV Charging Stations


Customer Loyalty

From local shopping centers to grocery stores, installing EV chargers can encourage EV drivers to come to your locations versus your competitor.  Giving your customers the ability to charge and shop is a great reason for them to make your center be their preferred go to place.


Air Quality Improvement

Electric vehicles produce no emissions which helps to improve the air quality.  By having an electric vehicle charging station installed at your business, you are supporting a technology that can help the planet.


Company Values

Providing EV charging stations at your place of business lets employees and others know that your business is forward thinking, environmentally friendly and conscientious.  This can also encourage other to hold the similar values. 


Be Found on the EV Map

With electric vehicle sales on the rise, there are multiple EV apps which EV drivers will use to locate electrical vehicle charging stations.  By having an electrical vehicle charging station at your business, you can get your location on the map.